Monday 23 May 2016


            Mutiplate clutch is mostly used in 2-wheelers, heavy
vehicles and sport cars. It is similar to the single plate
clutch but only the difference is this that it has more number
of frictional and metal plates. The need of multiplate clutch
arises due to space limitation such as in 2-wheelers or
requirement of high torque transmission as in race cars and
some heavy vehicles.

             It consists of two sets of plates. One set of plates
on splines of the pressure plate while the other set slides in
the grooves on the flywheel. The both types of plates are
arranged in alternate manner one on the pressure plate and
other one on the flywheel and so on. The plates fitted in the
flywheel having outer teeth and are made of steel. The plates
fitted on the pressure plate having inner teeth and usually
made of phosphor bronze. They are firmly pressed together by
coil springs.

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